K: Un Kiosque à journaux

Kiosque by Yukié Matsushita

K: Un Kiosque à journaux

Kangaroo by Yukié Matsushita
K: Des Kangourous

Kirs by Yukié Matsushita

K: Deux verres de Kir

K: Des Kentias


J: Le palais de Justice

Palais de Justice by Yukié Matsushita
J: Le palais de Justice

Newspaper by Yukié Matsushita
J: Un Journal

Mona Lisa by Yukié Matsushita
J: La Joconde

Daffodil by Yukié Matsushita

J: Des Jonquilles


I: Les Invalides

Invalides by Yukié Matsushita
I: Les Invalides

Iguane by Yukié Matsushita

I: Un Iguane

Ibis by Yukié Matsushita

I: Un Ibis

Iris by Yukié Matsushita

I: Un Iris


H: L'Hôtel de ville

Hôtel de Ville Paris by Yukié Matsushita

H: L'Hôtel de ville

clock by Yukié Matsushita
H: Une Horloge

Hippopotame by Yukié Matsushita
H: Un Hippopotame

Hortensia by Yukié Matsushita

H: Des Hortensias


G: Le Grand Palais

Grand Palais Paris by Yukié Matsushita
G: Le Grand Palais

Jacket by Yukié Matsushita
G: Un Gilet

small table by Yukié Matsushita
G: Un Guéridon

G: Une Grenouille


F: Fontaine St Michel

Fountain St Michel by Yukié Matsushita

F: La Fontaine St Michel

Arm chair by Yukié Matsushita

F: Un Fauteuil

Fern by Yukié Matsushita

F: Une Fougère

Iron by Yukié Matsushita

F: Un Fer à repasser


E: La tour Eiffel

Eiffel Tour by Yukié Matsushita
E: La tour Eiffel

snail by Yukié Matsushita
E: Un Escargot

Elephant by Yukié Matsushita
E: Un Éléphant

star fish by Yukié Matsushita

E: Une Étoile de mer


D: La place Denfert-Rochereau

Denfert-Rochereau by Yukié Matsushita
D: La place Denfert-Rochereau

Dancer by Yukié Matsushita

D: Une Danseuse

Dahlia by Yukié Matsushita

D: Un Dahlia

D: Des Drapeaux


C: La Conciergerie

Conciergerie by Yukié Matsushita

C: La Conciergerie

cushion by Yukié Matsushita
C: Un Coussin

Cat by Yukié Matsushita

C: Un Chat

Cuctus by Yukié Matsushita

C: Un Cactus


B: La place de la Bastille

B: La place de la Bastille

B: Un Bananier, une Banane.

B: Un Bougeoir, des Bougies.


A: Arc de Triomphe

Arc de Triomphe by Yukié Matsushita
A: L'Arc de Triomphe.

Like many people I am starting the New Year with many New Year resolutions, one is to (try to) finish my projects one by one. So let's get started...

For a long time, I have been drawing windows of Paris, and those drawings grew into the project of an Alphabet Book: Monuments of Paris seen through windows, accompanied by daily objects starting with the same letter.

The inspiration for this project is because, in spite of living in France for many years, it is still difficult for me to identify masculine and feminine words in French.

So each of the french words in the book will be in red or blue hues depending on the gender.

spider daddy longlegs by Yukié Matsushita

A: Une Araignée.

light bulb by Yukié Matsushita

A: Une Ampoule.

Angle by Yukié Matsushita

A: Un Ange.