R: Le musée Rodin

Rodin Museum by Yukié Matsushita
R: Le musée Rodin

Grape and Radish by Yukié Matsushita

R: Des Raisins, un Radis

Rhinoceros by Yukié Matsushita
R: Un Rhinocéros

Rose by Yukié Matsushita

R: Une Rose


Q: Le Quai de Bourbon

Quai de Bourbon by Yukié Matsushita
Q: Le Quai de Bourbon

Questch by Yukié Matsushita
Q: Des Questches

Horse tail by Yukié Matsushita
Q: La Queue (du Cheval)

Q: Quasimodo


Two Proverbs

White Mountain by Yukié Matsushita

Puisses-tu être aussi grand que la montagne blanche.
- Proverbe Masai -

Oak tree by Yukié Matsushita

Des petits glands poussent les puissants chênes.
- Proverbe américain -

Authentic linoleum prints (without proverb texts) will be shown at "BLANC -exposition thématique internationale".
This exhibition is organized by Graver Maintenant at the same time as their "XXIXe Salone de l'estampe contemporaine"

March 21rd until April 25th 2013
Monday - Friday: 10am - 8 pm
Saturday: 10am - 6 pm
Sunday: 3pm - 6pm
at "Ermitage" 34 bd. de Richelieu, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison (near Paris, RER A)
Opening ceremony: Thursday March 28th from 7pm
Award giving at 7:30pm


"BLANC" exhibition

This month I am entering two linoleum prints (30 x 30cm) in "BLANC -exposition thématique internationale" (printmaking contest) along with 160 printmakers in the world. 

This exhibition is organized by Graver Maintenant at the same time as their "XXIXe Salone de l'estampe contemporaine"

March 21rd until April 25th 2013
Monday - Friday: 10am - 8 pm
Saturday: 10am - 6 pm
Sunday: 3pm - 6pm
at "Ermitage" 34 bd. de Richelieu, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison (near Paris, RER A)
Opening ceremony: Thursday March 28th from 7pm
Award giving at 7:30pm

Etching press by Yukié Matsushita

I bought this antique etching press (late 19th century) from my artist friend Jean Luneau two summers ago. I took some etching workshops with Jean in Touraine and I used to work with this press. Jean bought it from his professor George Gobo in 1952, and this was his first etching press. Jean was going to sell it to a museum however one day I dreamed of having this press and for some reasons the museum person never came to pick it up, so now it is in our Paris apartment. 

For making some linoleum prints I am putting the press to work. 
The theme of the show is "Blanc" (White), the titles of pieces I am working are "White Horse" and "White Mountain.


P: Le Panthéon

Panthéon Paris by Yukié Matsushita
P: Le Panthéon

Fruits by Yukié Matsushita

P: Une Papaye, Une Pomme, Une Poire, Une Pêche

Prune by Yukié Matsushita

P: Une Prune, Un Pruneau

Basket and butterfly by Yukié Matsushita

P: Un Panier, Un Papillon