French Phonetics "U"

Simplified French Phonetics - "U".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "U"

"um" is in the word "un album" (an album).

"us" is in the word "un bus" (a bus).

"ul" is in the word "une calculatrice (a calculator).

"ur" is in the word "une urgence (an emergency).


French Phonetics "T"

Simplified French Phonetics - "T".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "T"

"" is in the word "un lephone" (a telephone).

"ti" is in the word "un ticket" (a ticket).

"ta" is in the word "un tapis" (a carpet).

"to" is in the word "une tomate" (a tomato).

Tunnel by Yukié Matsushita

"tu" is in the word "un tunnel" (a tunnel).

"tr" is in the word "un train" (a train).


French Phonetics "S"

Simplified French Phonetics - "S".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "S"

sole by Yukié Matsushita
"se" is in the word "une semelle" (a sole).

soap by Yukié Matsushita
"sa" is in the word "un savon" (a soap).

signature by Yukié Matsushita

"si" is in the word "une signature" (a signature).

sun by Yukié Matsushita
"so" is in the word "le soleil" (the sun).

sugar by Yukié Matsushita
"su" is in the word "du sucre" (some sugar).

spatula by Yukié Matsushita
"sp" is in the word "une spatule" (a spatula).

stop by Yukié Matsushita

"st" is in the word "un stop" (a stop sign).

Beetle by Yukié Matsushita
"sc" is in the word "un scarabée" (a beetle).


French Phonetics "R"

French Phonetics "R" by Yukié Matsushita

Simplified French Phonetics - "R".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "R"

"re" is in the word "un renard" (a fox).

Curtain by Yukié Matsushita
"ri" is in the word "un rideau" (a curtain).

razor by Yukié Matsushita
"ra" is in the word "un rasoir" (a razor).

dress by Yukié Matsushita

"ro" is in the word "une robe" (a dress).

bee hive by Yukié Matsushita

"ru" is in the word "une ruche" (a bee hive).


French Phonetics "Q"

French Phonetics "Q" by Yukié Matsushita

Simplified French Phonetics - "Q".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "Q"

cat's tail by Yukié Matsushita
"que" is in the word "une queue de chat (a cat's tail).

daily newspaper by Yukié Matsushita
"quo" is in the word "un quotidien" (a daily newspaper).

number 4 by Yukié Matsushita
"qua" is in the word "le chiffre quatre"  (the number four).

rooster by Yukié Matsushita

"q" is in the word "un coq" (a rooster).

"q" pronounces like "k"


French Phonetics "P"

 French Phonetics "P" by Yukié Matsushita

Simplified French Phonetics - "P".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "P".

umbrella by Yukié Matsushita

"pa" is in the word "un parapluie" (an umbrella).

Piano by Yukié Matsushita

"pi" is in the word "un piano" (a piano).

pea by Yukié Matsushita

"pe" is in the word "un petit pois" (a pea).

flower pot by Yukié Matsushita
"po" is in the word "un pot de fleur" (a flower pot).

sweater by Yukié Matsushita
"pu" is in the word "un pull-over" (a sweater).

Feather by Yukié Matsushita
"pl" is in the word "une plume" (a feather). 

Prune by Yukié Matsushita
"pr" is in the word "une prune" (a plum). 

lighthouse by Yukié Matsushita
"ph" is in the word "un phare" (a lighthouse).

"phpronounces like "f".


French Phonetic "O"

French Phonetic "O" by Yukié Matsushita

Simplified French Phonetics - "O".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "O".

wolf by Yukié Matsushita

"ou" is in the word "un loup" (a wolf). 
Un loup howls "OUUUU...".

bonbon by Yukié Matsushita
"on" is in the word "un bonbon" (a candy). 
"onis nasalized vowel.

Bird by Yukié Matsushita
"oi" is in the word "un oiseau" (a bird). 

Bowl by Yukié Matsushita
"ol" is in the word "un bol" (a bowl). 

"or" is in the word "un ordinateur" (a computer). 

Egg by Yukié Matsushita
"Œ" is in the word "un œuf" (an egg). 
"Œ" = "E" = "EU" = "ŒU", pronounce the same.