French Phonetics "G"

French Phonetics "G" by Yukié Matsushita

Simplified French Phonetics - "G".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "G".

bird cage by Yukié Matsushita
"ge" is in the word "une cage" (a cage).

Vest by Yukié Matsushita

"gi" is in the word "un gilet" (a vest/waistcoat).

Cake by Yukié Matsushita
"" is in the word "un teau" (a cake).

Eraser by Yukié Matsushita
"go" is in the word "une gomme" (an eraser).

Guitar by Yukié Matsushita

"gu" is in the word "une guitare" (a guitar).

Ice cream by Yukié Matsushita
"gl" is in the word "une glace" (an ice cream).

Crane by Yukié Matsushita
"gr" is in the word "une grue" (a crane).

Mountain by Yukié Matsushita
"gn" is in the word "une montagne" (a mountain).


French Phonetics "F"

Simplified French Phonetics - "F".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "F".

"fe" is in the word "une fenêtre" (a window).

"fi" is in the word "un fil" (a thread).

"fa" is in the word "de la farine" (some flour).

"fo" is in the word "un fossile" (a fossil).

"fu" is in the word "de la fumée" (smoke).

"fl" is in the word "une fleur" (a flower).

"fr" is in the word "la France" (France).


French Phonetics "E"

Simplified French Phonetics - "E".
Phonétique Française simplifiée du "E"

"é" is in the word "une écharpe (a scarf).

"é" = "et" = "ez"(*) = "er"(*), pronounce the same.

"è" is in the word "une fève (a fava bean).

 "è" = "ei" = "est"(**) = "ai", pronounce the same.

"eu" is in the word "un euro" (an euro).

"ei" is in the word "un peigne" (a comb).

"ai" "è" = "ei" = "est"(*), pronounce the same.

"en" is in the word "une pendule (a grandfather's clock).

"el" is in the word "du sel" (some salt).

If the sounds "e", "è" (E accent grave), and "é" (E accent aigu)
were music notes they would sound like this: 
(Thank you Julien Chameroy for sharing this idea.)

(*) "ez" = "er" at an end of a word like "chez", and "premier" pronounce the same as "é" (e accent aigu). 

 (**) There are many exceptions in French phonetics, for example:
"est" - as the verb "to be" ("il est" = "he is") - will pronounce like "è" ("ay"), not pronouncing the letters "s" and "t".
"est" - as the geographic direction "east" ("à l'est" = "to the east") - will pronounce "è'st", including the sound "'st".
... same writing, different words, and different pronunciation.