Two Proverbs

White Mountain by Yukié Matsushita

Puisses-tu être aussi grand que la montagne blanche.
- Proverbe Masai -

Oak tree by Yukié Matsushita

Des petits glands poussent les puissants chênes.
- Proverbe américain -

Authentic linoleum prints (without proverb texts) will be shown at "BLANC -exposition thématique internationale".
This exhibition is organized by Graver Maintenant at the same time as their "XXIXe Salone de l'estampe contemporaine"

March 21rd until April 25th 2013
Monday - Friday: 10am - 8 pm
Saturday: 10am - 6 pm
Sunday: 3pm - 6pm
at "Ermitage" 34 bd. de Richelieu, 92500 Rueil-Malmaison (near Paris, RER A)
Opening ceremony: Thursday March 28th from 7pm
Award giving at 7:30pm

1 comment:

  1. Super additions to your ever growing collection of proverbs! Great to see.

