"Every plant grows at a different rate."
I planted cherry tomato seeds in the yogurt pot at the end of March.
It germed in a week and then grew very slowly.
It germed in a week and then grew very slowly.
Three of them were transplanted in our garden after "Les saints de glace" (the ice saints day - May 13th.)
The month of May was quite wet and cold in France, so it did not grow very well.
So while we had bad weather, I covered them with a mini plastic greenhouse so the small fragile tomato plants would not get wet from excessive rain.
Today (June 10, 2021, almost two months and a half after seedling,) they are the smallest tomato plants in our garden.
We planted one Cœur de bœuf grafted tomato plant which we bought from the marché. This grafted tomato plant is already 30 times bigger than the cherry tomato plants. It is already forming a few small green tomatoes.
I care more about cherry tomatoes plants than any other plants in our garden.
Is it because I grew them from the seeds?
Summer is coming and after many days of rain, we are having hot days this week.
Tomato plants will love that.
I am confident that my cherry tomatoes will grow fine and bigger.
That they will give us plentiful delicious tomatoes this year.
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