E, F, G, H with Notcha

Cat wearing a scarf by Yukié Matsushita
E comme une écharpe.
Notcha porte une écharpe

A scarf.
Notcha is wearing a scarf.

Cat and an ant by Yukié Matsushita
F comme une fourmi.
 Une fourmi est sur le nez de Notcha. 

An ant.
An ant is on Notcha's nose.

Cat and a birthday cake by Yukié Matsushita

G comme un gâteau.
Notcha aime le gâteau

A cake.
Notcha loves cake.

Cat and a porcupine by Yukié Matsushita
H comme un hérisson.
Notcha devient amie avec un hérisson

A porcupine.
Notcha becomes friends with a porcupine.