Portrait of Annie Lipscomb
My friend Randy introduced me to Annie last year.
Annie has been living in Paris for 4 - 6 months of a year from Washington State since 2009. Annie lived near me, so we began meeting each other for morning café once a week, which became our lovely ritual. We got to know each other over our café and became very good friends.
Annie suffered from chemical related illness for a long time. She has written a book about it. She always looks cheerful and elegant that I could never tell her fragile condition. It was always present to share stories with Annie.
Annie went back home last week. I already miss having café with her.
I will just wait for her to come back to Paris in August next year.
Last rendez-vous au café with Annie;
she had a cup of black tea, and I had a cup of "café noisette".
Thank you Annie for leaving me a book "Against Wind and Tide: Anne Morrow Lindbergh", and proof reading my "Furoshiki" booklet.
Merci Yukié pour cette histoire