I,J, K, L, M with Notcha

Cat at the beach by Yukié Matsushita
I comme une île.
Notcha est sur une île.

An island.
Notcha is on an island.

Cat playing with toys by Yukié Matsushita

J comme des jouets.Notcha s'amuse avec des jouets.

Some toys.
Notcha is playing with toys.

Cat wearing a kepi by Yukié Matsushita

K comme un képi.
Notcha porte un képi.

A kepi - French military cap.
Notcha is wearing a kepi.

Cat wearing glasses by Yukié Matsushita
L comme des lunettes.
Notcha porte des lunettes.

The glasses.
Notcha is wearing glasses.

Cat looking at herself in a mirror by Yukié Matsushita
M comme un miroir.
Notcha se regarde dans un miroir.

A mirror.
Notcha is looking at herself in a mirror.